TRAVERSE Global v11.1


While activities record what has been done for a contact, tasks record the things that you or your employees need to do to in order to further communication with a contact. Instead of being associated with a contact, tasks are associated with your employees, the users of CRM. Tasks are assigned to employees for completion and can carry expiration or due dates.

Use the Tasks function to view tasks and responses by status (Pending, Completed, or Expired) or by user type (Assigned To, Completed By, or Entered By). You can also use this function to enter new tasks, but use caution: the new task you enter is automatically associated with the contact, activity, or campaign of the last task detail you viewed. To ensure that tasks are associated with the correct records, you may find it preferable to add tasks only via the Tasks button on the Contacts, Activities, Opportunities, or Campaigns screens.

If there are values in the Contact, Campaign, or Opportunity columns of a task record, you can drill down to view the details of those activities.

Use the Toggle button () to switch between grid view and field view.